Categories for Selling

Lists to Help Sell Your Home

When you put your property up for sale, you want to ensure that potential buyers get all the information they need on the features of your home and its surrounding area. For example, if a buyer doesn’t realize a great school is just around the corner, they might just walk ...

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Pricing Psychology and Selling your Home

Have you ever seen a product at a store and thought, “Whoa. That price is outrageously high. It’s just not worth it!” Conversely, you might have also reacted to another product with, “That’s awfully cheap. The quality must not be good.” Welcome to the psychology of pricing! According to research, ...

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Should You Worry about Competing Listings?

Imagine you’ve been waiting for the right moment to sell your home and you’re finally ready to list it. But, just as you’re about to put up the sign, you notice that a few other FOR SALE signs have unexpectedly popped up in the neighborhood. Oh no! Now there are ...

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Creating a Welcoming Environment when Selling your Home

When buyers view your home, how do you want them to feel? Do you want them to feel like they’re intruders or a nuisance? Of course not! You want them to feel welcomed. So how do you create that impression? Here are a few proven ideas: • The foyer. This ...

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